Fye and Foul
Theatre Company
There is a story, but we can’t remember the details. It has a figure, but its features escape us. You’re my old lover, but I can’t remember your voice.
Freely inspired by Raymond Carver’s short story, ‘Cathedral’ is an audio-based performance taking place in subtle states of low lighting that exposes the audience to the ambiguity of memory and doubt in recollection.
Conceived and devised by Fye and Foul
Written and directed by: Giulio Blason and Yaron Shyldkrot
With: Vjera Orbanic and Lisa Savini
Voices: Michael Patrick, Alys Henry and Kate Ryan
Sound: Fye and Foul and Souq Studios
Advisors: Dr. Alison Eardley (Westminster University), Dr. Elliot Freeman and Dr. Lydia Tan (London City University)
Special Thanks to: Eleanor Fogg, Dominc Jones and Ross Virgo.
"Fye and Foul's Cathedral was powerfully intense, engaging and brave!" The New Current.
"This is a performance that needs to be experienced not described" Terry Eastham, LondonTheatre1

Cathedral was commissioned by Rich Mix as part of "Small Stories/Big City" and performed at Rich Mix in October 2015, at The Pleasance (Islington) in April 2016 and at Brighton Fringe (The Warren Studio 2) in June 2016. Cathedral also took part in the Barbican Centre Open Lab Showcase in September 2016. The show is supported by The Bike Shed in Exeter and the Wellcome Trust.
A Work in Progress of Cathedral was part of the "No Such Thing #2" night organised by Rhum and Clay and On The Run at the New Diorama in December 2014.
Cathedral also performed in "Short Cuts", A mixed-bill of short and 'scratch' performances as part of Sprint Festival at Camden People's Theatre, and as part of Freshly Scrachted at Battersea Arts Centre in March 2015.